QualityDesk helps you fine-tune your quality assurance process

Let’s bring your organization’s quality assurance up to a gold standard! If you are using Excel, Word or something similar to evaluate customer contacts, your quality assurance process is already broken. If you want to know why, read this article.

Let’s bring your organization’s quality assurance up to a diamond standard!

We have concluded that, by using the wrong tools, your organization is wasting thousands of work hours on activities that you can immediately forget about by switching to QualityDesk. Here are the four main ways that you will genuinely profit from using the QualityDesk quality assurance and coaching software.

1. In QualityDesk, an evaluation form will be created that supports your organization’s goals.

It will cover several topics, such as initiating the contact, surveying, add-on Sales and ending the contact. Under each topic, you will add a list of questions or statements along with the answer options, such as yes, no, requires improvement. Scores will then be added for each answer so that it is easy to see how the person is handling the different aspects of customer interactions.

2. QualityDesk provides automated, real-time reporting.

Every completed evaluation form helps accumulate more quality data, which is shown in the reporting in real time . For every employee, you can immediately see what their strengths and areas of improvement are. You will also notice if several people have poor results in the same area, which means that you could arrange coaching or training for them as a group. The software also allows you to monitor how effective training is. After each training, monitoring will help you see how the participants apply the things they learned to their daily work.

3. Recorded feedback does not disappear

Recorded feedback does not disappear, which means that it is easy for both the supervisor and the employee to check all given feedback. The agreed coaching or improvement actions are also always visible, which keeps them from being forgotten. Rewarding employees for successes and for implementing the agreed actions becomes a part of everyday processes. Even the supervisors will receive more targeted training, since the management can see the feedback. This allows the management to have a clear picture of what is going on at the customer interface. Is your strategy being realized?

4. Our software allows you to perform more evaluations in a shorter time.

In practice, this means that you get more data, which makes it easier to do coaching and to manage the organization. When you know what is happening, you know what kind of coaching is needed. By using this software, supervisors and experts save work hours that used to be spent on manual reporting and looking for papers. That time can then be spent on activities that are more beneficial to the business, for example coaching.

How to begin using QualityDesk in 5 steps

1. Contact Ville Mikkonen by calling or sending an SMS: +358 (0) 50 5737601.

Book a product presentation appointment, where we will demonstrate how the QualityDesk software works and choose the best solution for your organization. You can book an appointment directly in my calendar from this link.

2. You can pilot the software at a very affordable price.

This allows you to see the software’s concrete benefits for yourself without taking risks. Once we have found the best solution, we will create a software template for your company. The software works through a cloud service, so it can be set up in one day and does not require you to install anything on the company computers.

3. Next, we will help you create evaluation and coaching forms that meet your needs.

4. Together, we will set up teams, supervisors, customer service agents and goals for the number of evaluations.

5. Monitoring can begin.

Start developing your customer service!

It is high time to toss away the Excel or Word files or other similar solutions that you are using for quality assurance and replace them with dedicated quality assurance and coaching software. You can use the software through a computer, smartphone and/or tablet, which makes monitoring work much more pleasant.

Contact us!

Of course, you are not committing to anything by booking a meeting – but I am sure you will benefit from it in any case! I promise that in the meeting I will offer you benefits, thoughts or concrete ideas that you can use to improve your organization!

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Picture of Ville Mikkonen

Ville Mikkonen

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