See the progress at one glance

QualityDesk’s reporting is fully automated, real-time and transparent. All evaluations can be reviewed later by the supervisor and by the employees.

Evaluations summary

Reporting is better when it’s automated

QualityDesk’s visually intuitive, real-time reporting makes monitoring and business development easier than ever. With QualityDesk, you don’t have to wait for monthly reports to act. Our reports allow you to quickly identify critical areas for improvement and take targeted action immediately. 

Additionally, each agent has their own visual progress sheet, where both the agent and the team lead can see their progress at one glance. No more waiting for monthly reports, or even writing them! Just take a quick peak within QualityDesk, and you’ll be better informed than ever.

QualityDesk's reports include:

  • Custom dashboard by role
  • Evaluation summary report
  • Coaching summary report
  • Latest coachings
  • Browsing individual evaluations
  • Browsing individual coachings
qualitydesk has a real-time view on quality


Our clients don’t have to do frustrating manual reporting, and they save dozens of hours of work time. Seeing how HR strategy implementation is progressing is finally easy and happens in real time — imagine that! Measuring progress in real time ensures that adjustments are easier to make and goals are met faster.

Book your free demo today, and embark on a journey towards more satisfied customers and a happier staff!