Measuring customer satisfaction
With QualityDesk, you can easily create customer surveys and send these directly through the software.

External quality assurance
In case you need to create customer satisfaction survey, forget about every other tool. With QualityDesk you’ll be able to easily create the most important customer satisfaction surveys for your organisation, and send them via email or SMS. Show your customers that you care!
Thinking about the technical side of surveys can be forgotten — we’ve made it easier than ever. The surveys are accessible to every key person immediately after the survey has been sent, and real time reporting allows for quick adjustments and immensely fast progress.
Measure customer experience
By measuring customer experience, you can verify whether your organisation’s internal goals are also taking care of the customer experience. Every employee to whom a customer provides feedback can see the result in real time and can therefore already analyse the reasons behind the result, for example by self-assessment and reflection directly in QualityDesk.
Supervisor will be able to help individual employees in coaching sessions and by working systematically in this way, your organisation is sure to achieve the desired goals. By improving internal quality, you are automatically improving external quality i.e. customer experience!
Book a demo today!
We provide solutions for customer service and sales quality assurance and employee development. The QualityDesk software consists of different features, from which you can build a package to suit your needs. With the help of QualityDesk, our customers have achieved the following results:
- Sales growth of 10%
- Add-on sales growth of 30%
- Orientation time of a new employee saved by 50 %
- 1000+ saved working hours
Book a demo and we’ll show you how QualityDesk could benefit your business! 👉