QualityDesk for energy companies

QualityDesk helps you discover what is happening at the customer interface and coach your processes into shape. 

Electricity is probably one of the most competitive products among consumers and businesses. This results in a high customer turnover. Price is naturally a major factor in the field, but service quality is also extremely important. How customers are served for example during a power outage can have a significant impact on customer retention.  

Selling auxiliary services and customer commitment are also important for energy companies. It is therefore crucial that the employees working in customer service and sales are given clear instructions on what to do.  

The desired goals can be achieved by doing the right things. For example, add-on sales can be driven by mapping the full customer journey to identify the selling moments. The deal must be offered actively etc.  

All this sounds familiar, but do you know if these things are actually done in your customer or sales service? If so, why are your targets not being achieved? If these things are not done, why not?  

QualityDesk helps you discover what is happening at the customer interface and the same software helps you coach your processes into shape. 

By monitoring customer interactions you ensure that right things happen

GDPR-compliant data management

Customer data has to be systematically managed, but the same goes for employee data.

A large number of organizations record their management discussions completely at random. The most common solutions include note tools, emails and Word and Excel documents. Data management becomes fragmented and can even become unmanageable. What if an employee asks for their information? Compiling them may prove impossible.  

QualityDesk offers a solution to this where all operative management discussions are gathered into one application. Everything can be found behind one login, for management, supervisors and employees. There is no need to send information by email, Teams or in various files.  

In addition, QualityDesk’s automatic data deletion allows you to delete all old data according to the data security guidelines of your company or the law. A report is generated of each deletion, leaving a trace that can be verified if necessary. This makes it easier to comply with the provisions of the GDPR, among others.  

Book your demo today!

We provide solutions for quality assurance and staff development in sales and customer service within organizations. The QualityDesk software consists of different features, from which you can build a package to suit your needs. Do you want to learn more about how to make quality assurance easy, effective and measurable?

Book a demo and we’ll show you how QualityDesk could benefit your business. 👉