Our invoicing address is changing 1.2.2022

Our company is now able to receive invoices electronically and therefore our invoicing address has been changed. Please update this new data found below into your customer database.

Business ID (Finland) 2808647-5
VAT identification number (Global) FI28086475
E-invoicing address (Finland) 003728086475
E-invoicing service provider (Finland) OpusCapita Solutions Oy
E-invoicing service provider ID (Finland) E204503
Email invoicing address (Global) QualityDesk.FI.P.158168-5@docinbound.com

Paper bills should be sent to the following address:
QualityDesk Oy
PL 72193

Please note that this billing address is only for invoices.
The address for letters, newsletters and marketing materials remains unchanged.

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Picture of Ville Mikkonen

Ville Mikkonen

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