Managing change: how should you implement the changes that automation brings to people’s jobs?
Technology is developing at a rapid pace, which means that in many industries, jobs that people used to do will be automated and handled by robots. So where does this leave people?
Top problems for contact centres, #2: Employee commitment

The commitment level of your employees has a huge influence on company culture, and as a result, it also influences the way your strategy is realized and, ultimately, the profitability of your business.
Top problems for contact centres, #1: Excel files

Excel is great. Please believe me when I say that I really do like it! In practice, this is because I have used it to create a wide variety of reporting solutions over the past 14 years that I have spent working in the contact centre industry.
Link quality to your reward system
As I have mentioned before, the customer experience is one of the hottest topics in the business world right now.
QualityDesk helps you fine-tune your quality assurance process
Let’s bring your organization’s quality assurance up to a gold standard!
If you are using Excel, Word or something similar to evaluate customer contacts, your quality assurance process is already broken. If you want to know why, read this article.
3 reasons behind quality assurance failures
Are you still using Excel as a quality assurance tool? Are you writing down evaluations in Word or using questionnaire software actually meant for opinion polling?